Nuisance Birds

Nuisance Bird Management Services

Humane Eviction and Exclusion

Certified by NWCOA

Three-Year Warranty on All Exclusion Work


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About Nuisance Birds

Passer Domesticus (House Sparrows)

Considered a nonnative nuisance bird, house sparrows are commonly known to utilize structures at soffits, dryer vents, attic vents, trim, fascia, and roof vents. Sparrows can have one to eight eggs, and incubation is 10-14 days, with them being nestlings for another 10-14 days. They may have multiple broods in one year.

Sturnus Vulgaris (Starlings)

Starlings are also non-native nuisance birds that use structures like soffits, dryer vents, attic vents, trim, fascia, and roof vents. Starlings may have three to six eggs, and incubation is 12 days, with the young being in the nest for another 21 days.

Bird Management FAQ

Have a nuisance bird-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Can I shoot them?

    Not inside city limits, as it is ILLEGAL to discharge a firearm. Also, if the female bird is taken during baby season, her offspring are then left to perish. Also, there is a larger issue of access that needs to be addressed.

  • Why not just trap them and remove them?

    There is a larger issue than just the bird itself! The structure is allowing birds to gain access, and this is the root of the issue, which needs to be addressed to prevent future access.

How Can TLC Wildlife Management Help?

TLC Wildlife Management exclusively utilizes humane techniques for the eviction of all species of birds. We use the behavior and biology of the bird to allow the animal to evict without harm. Points of access commonly found are at shingle and soffit junctures, at soffits near downspouts, open un-capped chimneys, attic vents, roof vents, and ridge vents.


Our humane solution starts with a one-way door placed at the point of entry, ensuring only the target animals are addressed. The birds can leave on their own to feed, but cannot get back in. We then reunite any accessible offspring on the outside of the structure. By creating an alternative nest site outside the structure, the mother can continue to care for her young until they are ready to fly. TLC Wildlife Management then provides preventative solutions to prevent re-entry. This method results in less interaction with wildlife and fewer visits to your home.


We offer customized solutions that work for your home and lifestyle and all exclusion work is guaranteed. Call us today or request a quote to schedule an inspection which includes interior, exterior, roof, and attic inspection. We will also provide detailed photos and education about your specific situation, resulting in a solution to help you coexist in harmony with your wild neighbors!

Humane Nuisance Bird Removal Services

We identify and address the root of the problem.

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"Adam was able to identify our problem right away! We are so pleased with his work and follow up. I just wish we reached out months ago. Thank you!!"

- Christy M.

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TLC Wildlife Management

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